Penetration test

Penetration test

Benefits of the Pentest

  • Pentesting helps identify vulnerabilities in a system or network that can be exploited by attackers. By addressing these vulnerabilities, you can increase your level of security and reduce cybersecurity and privacy risks.

  • Many industry regulations and professional guidelines require regular penetration testing. Conducting a penetration test can help you comply with these regulations.

  • It can provide valuable information to help assess the security of a system or network so that informed decisions can be made in terms of development and strategy.

Penetration testing, also known as pentest, is a type of security testing that involves simulating an attack against a client-authorized computer system or network to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses that could be exploited by malicious attackers.

Then choose

  • If your web services or systems have not yet been tested.

  • If you would like to subject your company’s web services to a live simulated hacker attack to see what vulnerabilities your company has and how they can be exploited.

  • If you want to start a bug bounty program but want to discover the most critical vulnerabilities first.

Whether it is any service where customer or user data is handled, trust in the service starts with guaranteeing security. This kind of commitment can be done through regular penetration testing or other vulnerability detection services that can help build trust with customers, partners, and users.

Targeted testing

The appropriate test to launch depends on the specific needs and risks of the organization. A comprehensive pen-testing strategy can include multiple types of testing to assess the security of the organization. They can be applied to a specific system, combined with other types of testing, complemented by bug bounty services. The goal is to determine whether an attacker can access confidential data or run malicious code in a web application, or mobile application.


  • Network

    This type of penetration testing focuses on identifying vulnerabilities in network devices, such as routers, switches, and firewalls. The goal is to determine whether an attacker could gain unauthorized access to the network and to identify weaknesses that could be exploited.

  • Web application

    This type of pen-testing focuses on identifying vulnerabilities in web applications, such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting, and authentication bypass. The goal is to determine whether an attacker could gain access to sensitive data or execute malicious code through the web application.

  • Mobile applications

    This type of pen testing focuses on identifying vulnerabilities in mobile applications, such as insecure data storage, authentication bypass, and code injection. The goal is to determine whether an attacker could gain access to sensitive data or execute malicious code through the mobile application.

  • Wireless network

    This type of pen-testing focuses on identifying vulnerabilities in wireless networks, such as weak encryption, rogue access points, and unauthorized access. The goal is to determine whether an attacker could gain access to the network or intercept sensitive data transmitted over the network.

  • Social engineering

    Also known as psychological manipulation, this is a penetration test, but different in methodology, which does not identify technical vulnerabilities but tests the effectiveness of an organization's security policies and procedures by attempting to persuade employees to leak confidential information or perform unauthorized actions.

How it works

  • Design

    This involves gathering information about the target system or network, such as IP addresses, domain names, and operating systems. This information is used to create a roadmap for the pentest and select a methodology to identify potential vulnerabilities.

  • Automated testing

    In this step, the tester uses automated tools to scan the target system or network for vulnerabilities, such as open ports, services, and software versions.

  • Manual scanning

    Based on the results obtained in the automated scan, proceeds with manual back-testing of the vulnerabilities identified and their exploitation. Testing involves raising privilege levels or performing network interactions that help identify additional vulnerabilities.

  • Report

    A report is produced as a result of the scan, outlining the vulnerabilities identified, the methods used to exploit them, and recommendations for remediation.

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Black-box Grey-box White-box
To simulate a real attack
To simulate an attack from the internal user side
To simulate a privileged user-side attack
Access level
No identification, or login information.
Some internal information, registered account
Full access
Testing is done from the attacker's point of view.
More effective than a black-box test
More comprehensive, deeper investigation
Time-consuming and higher probability of vulnerability not being detected.
Does not represent an external simulated attack.
More data (e.g. source code) needs to be provided to the tester.

Types of investigation

  • Black-box

    This is a type of pentest where the tester has no prior knowledge of the system or network being tested. The tester is given limited information and is required to perform reconnaissance and identification of vulnerabilities themselves. This type of testing simulates an attack by an external attacker with little knowledge of the target system.

  • Grey-box

    This is a type of pentest that falls somewhere between black-box and white-box testing. The tester has limited knowledge of the system or network being tested, such as user credentials or network diagrams, but not full access.

  • White-box

    This is a type of pentest where the tester has full knowledge of the system or network being tested, including access to the source code, network diagrams, and other documentation. This type of testing simulates an attack by an insider or an attacker with knowledge of the target system.